Latin American Journal of Pharmacy

Submission of all types of manuscripts to Latin American Journal of Pharmacy proceeds totally on line via the homepage of the journal (

Submission should be acomplished following succesive steps:

  1. Download the copyright transfer statement & page charges agreement form (click here to download the file), complete the asked information (title of the article, full names of all authors and date of submission), sign the form and save the file, which has to be uploaded as the first step of the submission.

  2. The corresponding author will provide his/her identity, affiliation (including complete postal address), and electronic address.

  3. The following steps will include the separate uploading of the Title, Authors (first name, initial(s) of the middle name(s), and family name of each author) and Affiliation (including postal address) of each author.

  4. Next the full manuscript (including tables, figures and captions) should be uploaded.

  5. Finally, artwork (including schemes, photographs or graphs, all of them named as correlative Figures) should be uploaded as JPG, PNG, GIF or XLS files.
Once the submission procedure is successfully finished, a member of the Editorial Board analyzes the manuscript to see if it falls within the scope of the journal and also if editorial rules have been followed by the authors. If so, the corresponding author will immediately receive a message via e-mail together with the code to follow the review process and the paper will be automatically sent to the reviewers. Reviewers' opinion will be opportunely notified to the corresponding author by the same way. When the reviewers recommend modifications to be made in the original manuscript, the corresponding author should send the new version following the same procedure indicated when the original manuscript was sent for the first time, by using the appropriate link provided by e-mail together with the reviewers' opinion.

Once the paper is approved the corresponding author will receive a PDF file (uncorrected proof) and a form where corrections to be made should be stated. The authors are expected to correct only typographical errors on the proofs. As acceptance is based upon the submitted version of the paper, it is essential that no new material be inserted in the text at the time of proofreading; furthermore, no alterations to style or meaning will be permitted at this stage. The proof should be returned to the Editor within 72 hours.

When the issue including the paper will be in press the corresponding author, at no cost, will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail.




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JCR Impact Factor 2019:

Issues per year: 12

ISSN 0326 2383 (printed ed.)

ISSN 2362-3853 (on line ed.)

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